released on 10th of March 2022

Film is available for individual rent at my website - click below! You can watch it as many times as you want within 45 days of access for only 15 USD. If you are interested in group screening at your event, please contact me for details. For research and non-profit events/organization, there are free options.

film review.

The drumming and rhythm of this documentary is contagious. Every dancer and enthusiast will gain to benefit from watching this film and understanding the traditions of Egyptian dance

This is a must-watch film for all students of Egyptian music and dance whether just beginning or those who have been studying for years. It's both informative and inspiring, you'll learn something new and want to get up and dance!

One of the primary challenges of understanding folkloric arts is lack of context. We are fortunate to have many free clips online in this day and age, but it’s not good enough to just copy moves and costumes. I love that this movie shows what the artists think and feel about their music and dance - in the past, present, and hopes for the future. While only a sampler of an incredibly diverse subject, this documentary is a more intimate view than most other resources, and serves as a better “jumping off point” than anything I could Google. Besides, it’s simply a gorgeously filmed and edited work of art!

Juniper Nichols

funoon shaabeya.

[Funoon Shaabeya] is a film documenting Egyptian traditional dance and music throughout the many regions in one of the world’s most fascinating places. From original settings to regional troupes. What folklore means to Egyptians and how it has shaped their culture. Today in modern Egypt we still see evidence of its vast past through tradition, folklore and it’s people which will be highlighted in the documentary I’m producing [Funoon Shaabeya].

The term [Funoon Shaabeya] refers to traditional art in general and the film is focusing on its folklore artists. These important living traditions can still be found thanks to persistent artists who have devoted their lives to their art, young activists through cultural events and venues. You may find these venues everywhere in Egypt with its variety of dance and music styles, from the ancient to modern Egyptian times.



Real stories of Egyptians, Nubians from the South, Ghawazee in Luxor or people in Siwa.



Watch their authentic and professional performances.



...of what traditions and folklore mean to the Egyptian people.



Who have devoted their lives to traditional art through cultural events and venues.


More featuring artists to be revealed soon.


meet the author.

Tereza Sheyla is doing her own research in Egyptian folklore for over 16 years. Learn more about the background of making this documentary, about motivation behind this idea.


meet the art director.

Klaudia is an art director and woman behind the camera with a great eye! Behined every angle and every image is her natural talent to capture the moment.


meet the crew.

Making a film is a huge project and beside Tereza and Klaudia there were other amazing people helping the film to succeed. From other researches to graphich designer.


Donations are closed, this is the total income including the campaign and other screenings. Film is off Vimeo but you can get in touch for group screenings for your events!



Nett amount in Euros.

Total cost.




    contact us.

      Tereza Bártová Klementová.

      Author & director

      Klaudia Bónová.

      Camera & Art direction